Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CSU East Bay - English 3650 ...

Welcome to Women Literature!

This blog is briefly introduce you to the English course in Cal State East Bay, which is about Women and Literature. Here, you will discover about the women writers and their experience of reading literature. It will focus on the literary works that depicted the image of  women in literature which were written by both, male and female authors. 

“Women in Literature” course is to ensure that the woman voice is heard. Not until recently in our society has the thoughts, opinions and concerns of women been readily available for others to acknowledge and emerge themselves in. By having such access now, we are capable of expanding our culture further than just the perspective of men. Furthermore, having such courses and access to the webs, allows the perception of women to expand beyond the housewife and mother image. It allows women to step out of the box that they have been confined to.

Welcome and hope you all enjoy your visit.

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